Thursday, April 28, 2011

Welcome to Howling Moose Gardens

I guess it's time to start blogging about this thing I'm doing.

But first, a few other places you can read about what I'm doing.

The official Howling Moose webpage is still under construction. But it has the basics about what aquaponics is, and how I got involved.

My start with aquaponics as a hobby are at my personal blog,, using the tag aquaponics.

Howling Moose Gardens has a facebook page, but it's mostly just the tweets from the Howling Moose twitter feed. I doubt I'll post much on the facebook page, except links over here to the blog.
(ETA: I often post at the Backyard Aquaponics forum, so here's the thread for Howling Moose Gardens @ BYAP. )